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This War of Mine: Final Cut

This War of Mine: Final Cut

The Remastered Final Cut version for Xbox Series X|S is finally here! In This War Of Mine, you do not play as an elite soldier, rather as a group of civilians trying to survive in a besieged city; struggling with a lack of food, medicine and constant danger from snipers and hostile scavengers. During the day you need to focus on maintaining your hideout: crafting, trading and taking care of your survivors. At night, take one of your civilians on a mission to scavenge for items that will help you stay alive. Make life-and-death decisions driven by your conscience. Try to protect everybody from your shelter or sacrifice some of them for longer-term survival. During war, there are no good or bad decisions; there is only survival. The sooner you realize that, the better. This War of Mine: Final Cut main features: - Inspired by real-life events - Control your survivors and manage your shelter - Craft weapons, alcohol, beds or stoves―anything that helps you survive - Make decisions―an often unforgiving and emotionally difficult experience - Randomized world and characters every time you start a new game - Charcoal-stylized aesthetics to complement the game's theme - All updates and free expansions added along the way to create the Final Cut

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  • Release Date: 02/06/2022
  • Publisher: 11 bit studios
  • Distribution platform: Microsoft Store
  • User Ratings: starstarstarstarstar
  • Official Website: https://www.xbox.com/
  • Email: None

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The Remastered Final Cut version for Xbox Series X|S is finally here! In This War Of Mine, you do not play as an elite soldier, rather as a group of civilians trying to survive in a besieged city; struggling with a lack of food, medicine and constant danger from snipers and hostile scavengers. During the day you need to focus on maintaining your hideout: crafting, trading and taking care of your survivors. At night, take one of your civilians on a mission to scavenge for items that will help you stay alive. Make life-and-death decisions driven by your conscience. Try to protect everybody from your shelter or sacrifice some of them for longer-term survival. During war, there are no good or bad decisions; there is only survival. The sooner you realize that, the better. This War of Mine: Final Cut main features: - Inspired by real-life events - Control your survivors and manage your shelter - Craft weapons, alcohol, beds or stoves―anything that helps you survive - Make decisions―an often unforgiving and emotionally difficult experience - Randomized world and characters every time you start a new game - Charcoal-stylized aesthetics to complement the game's theme - All updates and free expansions added along the way to create the Final Cut
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pc iconSystem Requirements
  • Minimum
    System: Windows 10 32bit
    CPU: Intel Core i3-2100
    Memory: 4GB RAM
    Graphics Card: Nvdia GeForce GTX 550ti
    Hard Disk Drive: 1GB
  • Recommended
    System: Windows 10 64bit
    CPU: Intel Core i5-2100
    Memory: 8GB RAM
    Graphics Card: Nvdia GeForce GTX 1060ti
    Hard Disk Drive: 2GB
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English Simplified Chinese
Resist bad games, refuse pirated games. Pay attention to self-protection, beware of being deceived. Moderate gaming benefits the brain, addiction to gaming harms the body. Arrange your time reasonably, enjoy a healthy life. Age rating: Suitable for use by those 18 and older.
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