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MG Store Warship Wars Famous British General

Source:MIRACLE GAMES Release Time:2021-01-13 09:51:08 Views:1655

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The overall strength of British ships is relatively weak, and there are not many options in the early stage. Therefore, if the 5-star ships did not have British ones, there would be no impact. The early stage was more difficult for Britain.

Fraser, the only general in the UK with overall performance improvement, is similar to Nimitz, has single defense, dodge, and group change skills, and a 5-star talent with 500% attack. Frazier's dodge makes him perform very well in Zhangchang. it is good. But if you choose from it, Fraser is definitely an all-rounder. Able to play any position.

Cunningham, an auxiliary general, group attack, single defense, is not outstanding among S stars, but he is indeed the best auxiliary star. Yamaguchi is second only to Japan. The addition of critical strike skills allows him to make a great contribution to the team. The gas gathering speed is very fast. With Rodney, he can increase the attack power of his offensive ship by 80% and 500% of the 5-star talent. The bonus allows Cunningham to have a very terrible blood volume, which makes up for the shortcomings of insufficient dodge. However, Cunningham is very dependent on hits. If the opponent is also Rodney assisted, if there are not enough hits, he will be defeated. Lei Ze took the lead in gathering the energy slots, very passive.

Somerville, similar to Albert of the United States, is also the choice of flagship and firepower. It is better than most S of its class and has excellent survivability.

Pound, a transitional captain, has no obvious shortcomings and no obvious bright spots, so transition. It is also the only captain that can be used in the early stage.

Tovey is a power captain, so his survivability is worrisome. It belongs to the kind of death. It can be said to be Koyamamoto 56. Although the attack is relatively good, it is crispy and can be thrown on an aircraft carrier. As long as the warship is not attached, it will not attack the aircraft carrier.

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